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Lua cpp expose

Kubat requested to merge lua-cpp-expose into master

Exposition to Lua runtime mechanism proposition.

The user has to create an object that is LuaScriptAbleObject, make it inherit the CRTPLuaScriptObject class and voila.

For example, a simple FooBar examples might be:

// Default sample exposer for lua scripts
script_class (SampleObject) {

    SampleObject()  noexcept { fprintf(stderr, "CREATE SampleObject\n"); }
    ~SampleObject() noexcept { fprintf(stderr, "DESTROY SampleObject\n"); }

    static int foo(lua_State *L) noexcept
        SampleObject *obj = CHECK(L, 1);
        double bar        = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
        return 0;

    static constexpr inline auto metaMethods = { luaRegDefaultGC, LUA_DECL_CREATE(SampleObject) };
    static constexpr inline auto methods     = { LUA_DECL_METHOD(SampleObject, foo) };

A sample file for a script can be found at utils/lua/sample-spec.lua, this is just a proposition.

Edited by Kubat

Merge request reports